In English

Profile picture of Matleena Laakso, a middle aged woman.
Matleena Laakso

Projects at Tampere Universities: 
Tel.: +358 41 525 0067
Instagram: @matleenalaakso
Threads: @matleenalaakso
I am an expert in teaching and learning - specialized in e-learning, ICT and AI in education and professional development. I have worked mainly as a freelancer trainer since 2014. I also work part-time as a visiting lecturer at the School of Pedagogical Innovation at TAMK - Tampere University of Applied Sciences and as an e-Leaning Expert at the Tree – Continuing Education unit at the University of Tampere. I have done my master's degree in adult education and worked with continuing professional development over 20 years. I speak Finnish, English and some German and Swedish.

You can watch the infographic of my work year 2024. The main topic during the past two years has been AI in education. Since 2009 my other main areas of work have been with ICT in education, e-learning, online courses, creating online educational materials, participative methods in webinars, social media and mobile learning. I have worked with companies, public administration, organizations and especially with educational institutions - from elementary to higher education. 

I am well-known for this blog and for sharing Creative Commons -licensed OER instructions on pedagogy and applications. Open Science awarded me a national prize for my work in 2023. My open materials have been viewed in total three million times.

I am also a member of the planning group of ITK Conference - Finland's largest event for digital education and learning. I am also an H5P Ambassador and until autumn 2024 I was also a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIEE). 
Expert in Education, Finland -badge.
 This badge is designed for Finnish
educational professionals.
It is made by 
Ilona IT Ltd
for BETT. In January 2025, I  will
participate the BETT Show 
in London for the ninth time.


My previous work experience includes working at Kiipula Vocational Collage, the School of Professional Teacher Education at Oulu University of Applied Sciences, the Brahea Centre at the University of Turku, Center of Educational Technology at the City of Tampere and several units and employment relationships at the University of  Tampere since 1995: From 2004 to 2009 I specialized in problem-based learning and co-operative learning and teaching methods. In 2020 I educated and mentored several teams to create online courses. In 2021, I supported teachers in creating hybrid courses and from 2022 to 2023 I held workshops on online pedagogy and its tools. In 2024 I work as an e-learning expert in training progamme for library section. You can read more from my LinkedIn-profile. It is in English, but I mainly share posts in Finnish. If you wish to connect with me, please specify how we know each other or what we have in common.

You can listen to AI created podcasts made from my blog posts and other materials on digital pedagogy and using AI in education. Podcasts are made by Google NotebookLM AI app in autumn/winter 2024.

Presentations in English

Mobie: OnEdu AI Learning Environment 

OnEdu AI Learning Environment and its previous environments by the Finnish Mobie Ltd has been developed in co-operation with 100 Finnish schools. I have been training personnel of companies, schools and public administration to create online courses and Mobie Zine publications since 2014 in Finland, Sweden and Estonia. Besides training I have been building online courses for companies based on their own learning materials. (More information in Finnish.)

1 kommentti:

  1. This is a really great work and real innovation, I am impressed by the diversity of your work!


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